
时间:2023-01-29 浏览:0

Luke Molo<em></em>ney Architecture The Estate Heritage Renovation Rural Nsw Photo Tom Ferguson Yellowtrace 03Luke Molo<em></em>ney Architecture The Estate Heritage Renovation Rural Nsw Photo Tom Ferguson Yellowtrace 05Luke Molo<em></em>ney Architecture The Estate Heritage Renovation Rural Nsw Photo Tom Ferguson Yellowtrace 06Luke Molo<em></em>ney Architecture The Estate Heritage Renovation Rural Nsw Photo Tom Ferguson Yellowtrace 13Luke Molo<em></em>ney Architecture The Estate Heritage Renovation Rural Nsw Photo Tom Ferguson Yellowtrace 12Luke Molo<em></em>ney Architecture The Estate Heritage Renovation Rural Nsw Photo Tom Ferguson Yellowtrace 19


所讨论的项目是The Estate,位于遥远的新南威尔士州农村。这座房子建于19世纪80年代,是为一个著名的田园家庭建造的,曾经是一个大型农场的中心。这里有附属的附属建筑、马厩、厨房花园和一家杂货店,在早期欧洲人定居期间为该地区提供服务。在建造这座建筑的家族手中度过了一个多世纪后,新主人面临着大量的工作。卢克解释道:“时间对建筑并不友好。”该项目分为五个部分进行修复——宅地的主街区、旧服务区、旧综合商店、种植新花园,最后是宅地的卧室区。

Luke Molo<em></em>ney Architecture The Estate Heritage Renovation Rural Nsw Photo Tom Ferguson Yellowtrace 24Luke Molo<em></em>ney Architecture The Estate Heritage Renovation Rural Nsw Photo Tom Ferguson Yellowtrace 32Luke Molo<em></em>ney Architecture The Estate Heritage Renovation Rural Nsw Photo Tom Ferguson Yellowtrace 30Luke Molo<em></em>ney Architecture The Estate Heritage Renovation Rural Nsw Photo Tom Ferguson Yellowtrace 26



Luke Molo<em></em>ney Architecture The Estate Heritage Renovation Rural Nsw Photo Tom Ferguson Yellowtrace 34Luke Molo<em></em>ney Architecture The Estate Heritage Renovation Rural Nsw Photo Tom Ferguson Yellowtrace 35Luke Molo<em></em>ney Architecture The Estate Heritage Renovation Rural Nsw Photo Tom Ferguson Yellowtrace 33Luke Molo<em></em>ney Architecture The Estate Heritage Renovation Rural Nsw Photo Tom Ferguson Yellowtrace 36

历史与现代的轻松融合,表面上的轻触掩盖了The Estate的实质性改造。卢克还将这一成功归功于扩展团队,“这个项目的建设者和工匠都是我合作过的最好的。”卢克总结道,“我最自豪的是,在我们开始之前,房子里的优雅感、年龄感和历史感依然存在。房子里没有一个角落是我们没有碰过的,但感觉焕然一新,而不是翻新。”